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Showing posts from October, 2021

Good design that are not sublime

       Before we get too far into this subject let’s start off with what does sublime means in design. It means something that makes you stop and think “Wow that’s amazing.”   Buildings that attract my attention are older buildings, normally larger (either an old gothic style or an old farmhouse). I enjoy balconies and details on the building but something I find myself amazed by more than anything is secret/safe rooms.  10 ways to achieve a victorian gothic-inspired home . MYMOVE. (2020, September 22). Retrieved October 31, 2021, from     Now you're probably thinking that only an older house would have a secret room that looks like something out of a movie or has a safe room. This is normal because to most people they think of a hidden place hidden in the walls to escape the others,  now when most people think of a safe room they think of a:        Storage space      

My Design Philosophy

Why am I here? What is my passion? What drives me in design?    Well, I don't know the answer to that. I do know I am passionate about all types of art, and I know a lot about construction. With that a while back I had to pick a major I went to the elder of my family and asked for advice. That advice was to give the design a try, and that's what I am doing. I find it interesting, I find joy in seeing what I create come to life in a living space,  but I have not found my passion. Not yet at least.  
