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My Design Philosophy

Why am I here? What is my passion? What drives me in design? 

 Well, I don't know the answer to that. I do know I am passionate about all types of art, and I know a lot about construction. With that a while back I had to pick a major I went to the elder of my family and asked for advice. That advice was to give the design a try, and that's what I am doing. I find it interesting, I find joy in seeing what I create come to life in a living space,  but I have not found my passion. Not yet at least.  


  1. I think finding design interesting is a great start. I'd like to hear about your intentions of designing and what you'd like to do with a design career, but I understand that most of us don't have that much of our lives planned out yet. I'd like to see some photos that inspire you as well!

  2. I like that you enjoy seeing your ideas become real. I hope you continue to find enjoyment in this field and you discover a path that you are passionate about.


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